Props Needed For Whole Video:
Chair - for Chris to sit in the middle of the theatre
Table - for Chris to lie on when recieving the electric shock therapy
Headphones - to act as the wires for the electric shock machine
Clipboard/Folder - for the Dr. to hold
Filming Plan:
Thursdsay 22nd November
Who: Chris
When: 3pm-4pm
Where: Theatre
Props: Chair
Clothing: White shirt for the straight jacket, black trousers and black shoes
Shots (storyboard): 1-8, 59
Diary: Today I didn't manage to get all the shots. I still need to film footage for the 5th, 6th, 7th and 8th shot. Even though I shot the 2nd shot I don't think it looks very good because the footage is quite shakey and unstable, so I am going to re-do it so that it looks more professional.
Chris was really good and worked really well listening to everything I said and doing what I had instructed! Didn't even mind when I drenched his head in water to make his hair stay back, note: get some hair gel.
Friday 23rd November
Who: Chris, Rachel, Nath and Ash
When: 12:40pm-1:40pm
Where: Theatre and Corridoor
Props: Table, Headphones, Clipboard/Folder
Clothing: Lab coats x3, skirt, shirt, vest, glasses, tights, black tee x2, jeans x2, white shirt for the straight jacket, black trousers and black shoes
Shots: 11,14, 15, 17, 18, 20, 22, 27-34
Diary: Nathan could not make it today as he was ill and so unfortunately I was unable to film any footage because he is needed for the whole of the mental asylum scenes, but not only that, Chris was also unable to come and film due to a last minute appointment that he could not get out of so I am very dissapointed I havent made any progress. On the up-side I did get the shot of Rachel where the camera shows her features and what she was wearing so that is one less shot to worry about filming!
Thursday, 22 November 2012
Health and Safety Assessment:
When filming I will use this to check that I have taken the precautions needed. From assessing possible accidents it allows me to be more aware as to what can happen or go wrong and allows me to take the control measures to prevent them from happening so I am prepared.
Wednesday, 21 November 2012
Hair, Make Up and Costume Checks:
I got everyone featuring in my music video to come
for a costume check so that I could see what size lab coat they would need and
see whether I liked the look of everything before starting filming, that way I
could change it if I didnt think it looked right and it would be ready for my
music video! I also did this to see what I had to provide for them (costume
wise) and what they could provide.
Chris has shots where he is in a strait jacket, that I will provide, with black trousers. With the straight jacket, because I was unable to find one and to buy one over the internet would mean that it wouldn't be here in time, I have managed to make one using a big, old baggy shirt by putting it on back to front and tucking the collar in.
When receiving the treatment he is topless with these black trousers. Chris said he would provide the black trousers as well as all the other pieces of clothing that I need him to bring.
For the shot where him and his girlfriend are in the woods taking photos he will be wearing a scarf and jacket with jeans and whatever shoes Chris chooses. His girlfriend will be wearing a black knitted scarf with a matching head warmer. She will be wearing skinny jeans with baige uggs and a pale brown mac.
When they are on the couch the girlfriend will be wearing little shorts and a longish, cream baggy jumper (my own) and Chris will be in his jeans with an old white tee (his own) so that the audience can see they are in their scruffs and enjoyed chilling and spending time together at home.
The shot where Chris walks in on his girlfriend cheating on him she will be wearing a long sleeved top with black shorts and he will be wearing his jeans and a black tee-shirt (both his own) and will be wearing this when he is smashing everything up, going 'insane'. -Joe in this shot will be topless and wearing jeans that he is providing.
I also did a quick hair and make up check too when doing tester shots for the costumes to see how the finished product would look.

Chris (Artist) and myself (Girlfriend) there are quite a few costume changes.
Chris has shots where he is in a strait jacket, that I will provide, with black trousers. With the straight jacket, because I was unable to find one and to buy one over the internet would mean that it wouldn't be here in time, I have managed to make one using a big, old baggy shirt by putting it on back to front and tucking the collar in.
When receiving the treatment he is topless with these black trousers. Chris said he would provide the black trousers as well as all the other pieces of clothing that I need him to bring.
For the shot where him and his girlfriend are in the woods taking photos he will be wearing a scarf and jacket with jeans and whatever shoes Chris chooses. His girlfriend will be wearing a black knitted scarf with a matching head warmer. She will be wearing skinny jeans with baige uggs and a pale brown mac.
When they are on the couch the girlfriend will be wearing little shorts and a longish, cream baggy jumper (my own) and Chris will be in his jeans with an old white tee (his own) so that the audience can see they are in their scruffs and enjoyed chilling and spending time together at home.
The shot where Chris walks in on his girlfriend cheating on him she will be wearing a long sleeved top with black shorts and he will be wearing his jeans and a black tee-shirt (both his own) and will be wearing this when he is smashing everything up, going 'insane'. -Joe in this shot will be topless and wearing jeans that he is providing.

Note: Not the correct shoes
With Rachel (The Doctor) she could provide the glasses, the black vest underneath her shirt, black tights and her heels, while I provided the lab coat, clip in her hair, the shirt and skirt with the belt. Because I provided her with the shirt and skirt I needed to check that it would fit nicely and not be too big or too tight. The first shirt Rachel tried on was too tight around her chest, so I changed it to a bigger shirt that is now baggy however still looks professional, without looking obscene.

Ash and Nath will wear
black T-Shirts underneath their lab coats that they will provide. I needed
to check was that the lab coats fitted correctly because both of them are very
broad I had to get them to try on several different sizes before finding the
one that fitted them both best.
Ash and Rachel:

Practice Shots:
I got Chris to mime some of the song in the theatre to see how it would look and see the effect. I like the lighting and think Chris will look great in the final music video given that he doesnt luagh and knows the lyrics properly...
Friday, 9 November 2012
Location Ideas:
By drawing certain curtains also helps with lighting because I can either make it lighter or darker depending on the effect I want to create for that shot. With the curtains being black it will again be a representation of one of the main things within my music video; that he is in a dark place both mentally and emotionally. The fact that there are so many different curtains will allow me to play around and get lots of different shots witihin different spaces, with different lighting so that I have more to work with when editing for my music video.
These double doors are only going to be used for one shot which will be when Nathan and Steve are man handling Chris and taking him for his treatment. They will crash through these doors and then it will cut to an over the shoulder shot of them all walking down the corridor.
In the music video when Chris is experiencing his flashbacks of being with his girlfriend and remembering all the happy times they had and how in love they were, it will cut to scenes of those two together, which will have been filmed in their home.
This is where some of those scenes will be filmed, the footage that will be shot on the couch will be them plat fighting and laughing together. I have chosen my living room because it is well lit and with the colour scheme looks warm and cosy. I have put cream blankets over the couch because you relate the colours white and cream with innocense, hope, peace, contentness etc. so this will hopefully have the effect on the audience that both Chris and his girlfriend were very happy and content with in their relationship, which will make it more shocking when they find out the reason as to why Chris is having treatment is because he caught his girlfriend, that he loved derly, went and cheated on him.
My bedroom will be where the shot of Chris' girlfriend cheating on him will be filmed. Chris will walk in on his girlfriend and another man in bed looking very close, so you can tell they are romentically involved.
The lighting in my room is very bright so will be good for filming the shots and because my bed is a queen-size there will be a lot of room for both people and we will be able to get lots of different shots from different angles of the bed.
After Chris has caught is girlfriend cheating on him he will he will have a fight with his girlfriend, and throw her down to the ground, she will try to talk to him and calm him down while he is smashing everthing up to express his anger. This is the turning point where the audience will be able to see he is going crazy.
This will be where the couple are taking pictures when they are together. I have chosen either the woods in North Ferriby or in Brough because they are nice places to go for a walk and the lighting should be good, also by filming here there is less chance of anyone else being there so it wont effect filming. I will have to check the weather before filming though as it will have to be dry and quite bright, so if it is raining I wont be able to film it.
I like the idea of using the theatre because it is a wide space which means when Chris is sat in the middle of it (the chair is there to show where Chris will be positioned in most shots), you can see he is alone so it represents how he is feeling and creates that atmosphere. The lighting in the theatre will look like a spotlight on him with dark surroundings, (I will also be able to alter if needs be with the lights that are within the theatre).
The theatre will be where most of my music video will be filmed, the scenes of Chris recieving the electric shock therapy will be filmed in the theatre, as will all the straight jacket scenes and the opening shots too. The mirrored wall is good because it will allow us to see the surroundings as well as the reflection of Chris, however the problem with this will be the camera and angle positioning so that you can't see the person filming.
College Corridor:
This is the corridor leading up to the theatre in college, I'd like to use this corridoor as the corridor of the mental asylum and the plan is ti have two people in white coats (Nathan and Steve) dragging Chris down the corridor while he struggles, to take him to recieve his electric shock therapy.
I think because of the length and width of the corridor, it would be good to use, especially because it is white as well, however one of the problems with this corridor though, is the display boards. -I plan to use white A3 paper and bluetack or celotape to cover these up though, so that the whole corridor just looks plain white, like a hospital or mental asylum, so hopefully this will work and look effective, not tacky or cheap.
Double Doors Into Lobby:
My Living Room:
In the music video when Chris is experiencing his flashbacks of being with his girlfriend and remembering all the happy times they had and how in love they were, it will cut to scenes of those two together, which will have been filmed in their home.
This is where some of those scenes will be filmed, the footage that will be shot on the couch will be them plat fighting and laughing together. I have chosen my living room because it is well lit and with the colour scheme looks warm and cosy. I have put cream blankets over the couch because you relate the colours white and cream with innocense, hope, peace, contentness etc. so this will hopefully have the effect on the audience that both Chris and his girlfriend were very happy and content with in their relationship, which will make it more shocking when they find out the reason as to why Chris is having treatment is because he caught his girlfriend, that he loved derly, went and cheated on him.
My bedroom will be where the shot of Chris' girlfriend cheating on him will be filmed. Chris will walk in on his girlfriend and another man in bed looking very close, so you can tell they are romentically involved.
The lighting in my room is very bright so will be good for filming the shots and because my bed is a queen-size there will be a lot of room for both people and we will be able to get lots of different shots from different angles of the bed.
After Chris has caught is girlfriend cheating on him he will he will have a fight with his girlfriend, and throw her down to the ground, she will try to talk to him and calm him down while he is smashing everthing up to express his anger. This is the turning point where the audience will be able to see he is going crazy.
This will be where the couple are taking pictures when they are together. I have chosen either the woods in North Ferriby or in Brough because they are nice places to go for a walk and the lighting should be good, also by filming here there is less chance of anyone else being there so it wont effect filming. I will have to check the weather before filming though as it will have to be dry and quite bright, so if it is raining I wont be able to film it.
Chosen Extras (Other People In The Video):
The Doctor:

Mental Asylum Workers:

Other Chosen Male Model (Other Man):

Joe Banks (left) will be who Chris' girlfriend cheats on him with. The only scene he will be when Chris walks in on them looking close which is set in the bedroom. The audience will not really see Joe's face as the shots will mainly be CUs of Joe and Chris' girlfriend close together because it isnt until the end of the shot when Chri walks in the audience will see that it isnt Chris and his girlfriend, instead it is her and another man -a twist in the story line because the audience will not expect it.
Joe will either be topless or wearing a vest with jeans and he will have his hair the same as it is on the image shown. I have chosen Joe because he is the total opposite to Chris so from looking at them the audience will not have
Joe will either be topless or wearing a vest with jeans and he will have his hair the same as it is on the image shown. I have chosen Joe because he is the total opposite to Chris so from looking at them the audience will not have
Chosen Female Model (Girlfriend):

Chosen Main Male Model (Artist):

Hair and Make Up Artist:

Hair and Make Up Ideas:

I like the look of this hair style for the first few shoots where the Artist will be sat in the middle of the theatre in the straight jacket and singing. This is because his hair will be off his face so on close ups the audience will be able to see the artist clearly, as well as it looks like he has been pushing his hands through his hair in distress.
I would like the Artist to have a messy hair style, similar to this, with it over his face slightly when recieving the elctric shock therapy. This is so he looks unkept, messy and like he has given up.
This will be his hair style when he walks in on his girlfriend cheating on him, a natural looking style which is good because this hair style is similar to Chris' (who I am using as the artist in my music video).
Artist's Girlfriend:
Artist's Girlfriend:
This is the style of hair that she will have in the the Artist's flashbacks. This will also be what her make up is like. I have chosen this hair style so that again you can see her facial features clearly and when at home people tend to have their hair up, I like this make up because it is natural looking but also defines her eyes and lips. She looks like a natural beauty.
The make up is again very similar however the hair is down with a natural curl to it. This will be her hair style when the Artist catches her cheating on him. Because her hair is down it will imply that she has made more of an effort for the man she is cheating on him with than the Artist himself.
Evaluation of my Reconstruction Task:
In groups of four, we were set a task to re-create at least thirty seconds of a music video. Our group decided to reconstruct the first 30 seconds of Labrinth’s single ‘Treatment’. We discussed together who would be best at what jobs when recreating this music video and decided who we would use as our actors. We then created a production plan clarifying which locations we would use, what props we would need, costumes, how we could reconstruct the correct type of lighting and what shots we would need.
My role was to direct the making i the music video as it was my story board that we were recreating. i also helped do some of the filming and help Paige set up the scene when she needed it. Both Paige and Javanna’s role were also mainly to be in charge of scene setting and lights co-ordinations when filming in the theatre, I also helped with lighting and we all took it in turns to do some filming. Grace, Jav and Paige also acted as extras within the music video.
we ended up using was Graces house as the final location in the music video as we discovered that the filming we had captured previously in the theatre was useless. There were no outtakes from the filming at Graces house, instead we decided to film throughout the whole process and just edit the parts we wanted out of the recordings as we were running out of time and were starting to panic.
we all helped with the editing and gave the opinion on which shots we thought looked best and what we thought we should use, working as a group to recreate the finishing product. We sat on a normal computer while on the editing sweet and played through the music video, as well as looking at the story board, just to make sure we had everything in time.
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