Design 1: This design was inspired by the 'GUN' magazine advert, as you can see they are quite similar. I took the idea of plain and simple to create this design. I found this advert in the 'NME' music magazine.

Design 2:

Design 3:

Audience Feedback:
1. 8/20
'This design is a bit plain and if you dont know who the artist is then there isnt a picture of him to refresh you imagination'
'I like that one best because I think that its plain but simple and is effective'
2. 10/20 <<<<<
'This is ace! Its plain but you know who the artist is, it's got the right amount of information and it just looks really good'
'I definitely like this one best'
3. 2/20
'There's too much going on, it makes my head hurt'
'That one is just way too busy'
'It's kind of confusing..'
Final Advert (making of):
Final Magazine Advert:
I added in the date as I realised it was missing, using the text tool which I had used to write the other text on the poster, but other than that it is exactly the same as the design I got my audience feedback for.
I uploaded the image of Nathan into photo shop and then using the eclipse tool I cropped a circle of Nathan out and got rid of the excess background.
I then copied the picture and pasted it onto the poster, positioning it where I wanted, then using the blur tool, I softened the border into the background.
This created the final advert that would be in the magazine.
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